Monday, May 14, 2012

HaPpY MoThEr´S Day!

¡Feliz dia de la Madre!

Hope your day was special yesterday mom!   Thanks for all you do!  Just like the Book of Mormon´s stripling warriors teach...."and they did not doubt that their mothers knew best."  It was like putting gas back in the tank talking to everyone the other day.  You all look and sound great.  Made my day!  Sorry if I was a chatty cathy...i just had so much to say and so little time.  I think I just exploded because all day everyday I play the role of councelor and phyciatrist. hahaha...

so you asked me the yesterday what the hardest thing has been about a mission.  Well it´s honestly been different in every area.  I just told you what I had been struggling with in this area.  In the beginning it was the language without a doubt.  The second time it was just adapting to a new area and groove and people.  This area it´s been....well a lot of things.  Sometimes it´s just dealing with the people who you have to work close with.  But I was really touched by 2 different talks that helped me.  One was the talk given by President Uchtdorf at general conference and the other by my President Hinckley just this last week.  He spoke about having charity and how to have charity in any kind of relationship.  Sometimes people are going to want to do things that are just lame!  But you do it anyway because it makes them happy.  Service is key.  So if we have a problem with others, we must do the following as President Uchdorf says, "Just STOP!" 

President also taught us this week a lot about power and authority, how they are different and how they are the same.  As missionaries we are physically set apart into this calling, by the laying on of hands, just as Jesus did with his disciples.  Well that gives us the tag we wear....but are we really using that power to have more of that authority.  Where do we get more power as being obedient, worthy, praying, studying the scriptures, etc.  That way when we are doing what´s right God can bless us.  The power and authority from God are inseperably connected.  We will be blessed to teach with the spirit that will touch the heart´s of man and gather the people of Israel.  great talk he gave....

This week has been special.  We went through nearly a droubt.  Now it´s flooding again.  We have 5 fechas set for baptism.  More to come...Alexander who we thought couldn´t be baptized for a while until his mother either okays it, decided to take the risk of moving out of his house.  He took that leap of faith, this 18 year old that I have taught from the beginning decided to take a leap of faith, in this terrible economy and move out.  He doesn´t have a place to go, doesn´t know how he´s going to finish his studies alone, etc.  But what he does know is that it´s true.  That the fullness of the gospel has touched him somewhere in his heart, that God does again minister to his children as times of old.  That the  people that were on the American Continent in the Book of Mormon are real, just like God´s children in Jersalem (the Bible).  That the key to forever happiness with God is the B word, BAPTISM.  He will be baptized within the next month.
I cannot even tell you how much joy I have for him.  We also have a family from Africa that will be baptized in 2 weeks.  They are great!  My poor companion is trying to learn English.  Because this family speaks English, she´s doing a great job helping out in lessons.  I will also be baptizing my first Spaniard soon.  His name is Antonio. From Andaluccccccccthia.  He´s of the most prepared and open Spaniards I´ve met.  More news to come....

I know this church is true.  I know that the power of God is on earth today just as ancient times.  That God continues to show his hand in his work.  That miracles exist because God is the same today, yesterday and forever.  He is unchanging.  That God doesn´t want us to be confused or sad.  He knows us individually because he made us.  He loves us.  We are his children.  He blesses us when we are obedient to his commandments.  "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say ye have no promise."  Let us all take some time to listen to him because he knows whats best for us. 

Hermana Walker

p.s. Ether 11:7-8 Crazy how QUICK the Lord is to forgive even the most wicked people.  Its the same with us.  IF we want to change, the Lord is willing to help us!  Its never too late to repent.

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