Friday, November 30, 2012

Sapo Verde to me

Hey all you people, hey all you people, hey all you people why´dn´t 
you listen to me, 
I liked what Marissa said, ``happy thanks-Craigy day´´. But I would 
just like to add that it wasn´t only a day, but a week! So it´s really 
funny that Cameron said, ``...I hope you are content with the kind of 
birthday you had because, news flash, birthdays aren't celebrated once 
you are 20.´´ Perhaps; but for me, I feel like the whole mission 
celebrated it! Let me explain. 
Monday (after emailing you guys that sad week) - Letters and packages 
arrived just in time for my birthday. Those are some of the best gifts 
in the mission. 
Tuesday - Some more letters came, and even my pensionista from Potosi 
sent me a package :). Also, I´ve mentioned in the past that we haven´t 
had a house phone for over 4 months, and I need to call my district! 
Well, the mission gave me a cell phone that day. They´re experimenting 
with the Elders and me with cell phones. It´s quite ironic because my 
trainer had a cell phone, but it was breaking the rules. Now I have 
one and it is allowed. It´s like commandments given by God. Sometimes 
we just need to be obedient. 
Wednesday - It was the census day. We had to stay in our house 24 
hours so that we could have the census given to us. That was a nice 
day full of peace 
Thursday - Normal, but we put 2 baptism dates for december and I feel 
like that is a present from my investigators. 
Friday - My actual b-day. I woke up taking a nice icy cold shower 
because it exploded on my companion the day before (I´m surprised he´s 
still alive...). But it was funny cause I was singing to my self, 
``happy birthday to me, my shower is icy....´´ while slowly getting 
myself wet little by little. But the rest of the day went pretty well. 
At my pensionista´s house, the husband that isn´t a member bought me 
cake (we made the brownies the next day) and pizza (yea!). American 
style! I sent pictures of the tradition here to smash the person´s 
face in the cake. 
Saturday - I saw you guys´ video. I also saw your ``cut-out´´ or your 
first try and then the retake. You got my pensionista´s family 
laughing. They probably think we´re a bit...odd. By the way, I was 
singing that song ``happy birthday, blahhh´´ during my b-day and 
nobody knew what was going on until after they saw the video. Also at 
the end, mom was singing a different song while dad was talking in 
spanish and cameron was singing in Portegues. Please, one at a time. 
But it was a nice surprise 
Then today, Monday - We went on a mini vacation. Let me explain. In 
the month of Oct, there was a competition amongst the missionaries in 
each zone. The President said that the zone that gets the most 
baptisms per missionary wins and gets to go to Chapari and eat trucha. 
Well, we won. Chapari is in the jungle about 4 hours outside of 
Cochabamba. It was sweet, I´ll send you cool pics in another email. 
Trucha is a type of jungle fish. Hermana Dyer took a pic of me kissing 
the fried fish.... yeah. 
So I got to thinking this week about expectations because all this 
stuff, I didn´t really expect. I was just expecting.... just about 
nothing. But I guess it goes in line with what Jeffery R. Holland said 
about that about two conferences ago, ``Surely the thing God enjoys 
most about being God is the thrill of being merciful especially to 
those who don´t expect it and often feel they don´t deserve it.´´ 
That´s how I probably felt and I know that God has been merciful with 
me in the past many times even though I probably didn´t deserve it. 
But also, then again, to expect or to hope is also a good thing, when 
it is used for the right things like an expectation/hope for a better 
life, world, etc. 
Well, that´s about it for the Birthday week. Keep on praying for me 
and the other missionaries. I can definitely feel it. For example, I 
feel like this week there was more people thinking and praying for me 
because the work went alot smoother. Usually it takes quite an effort 
to find people, set baptism dates, teach people great lessons; 
however, this week was like a breeze and I konw it was because of your 
prayers. Thank you, 
-Elder Walker

Fotos de Chapari
Cool no, I got more pics if you want to see them. There was some cool 
fog happenin in the jungle


 Other random photos
I know I know, a lot of photos. But alot of things happend these past few weeks.


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