Monday, September 7, 2015

September 7, 2015 Amazing Grace

Querida familia,

Captain Walker, reporting.  34 lessons this week, 59 street contects, 9 references, 3 new investigators, 3 on baptismal date, 2 missionarys tired.  Jessica will be baptized this week along with another Lucero who was an eternal investigator.  Sara, that son of a bishop didnt come to church!!!  AH por queeee??!  So she should be ready next week.  Shes got to quit that ratchet job that she said she already did.  But the daughter of Jessica also came to church so she should be ready the 26th and then the whole familia will be complete! :D

Im tired.  No Im not, get back to work!  Isnt that what the missions all about? haha.  Doesnt matter how tired or stressed you are, you have to keep working and just live on a prayer.  I think life is the same.  How many times are we asked or forced to do something we dont want to, but if we dont, we could lose it all?  Thats the paradox of life where success and happiness is found in the journey/struggles and not the supposed "destination" where we can relax forever.  The end of my mission isnt a destination, but rather another beginning.  The end of a job isnt the end of your life either, but the opportunity for one ever better.  Gotta leave one to get one.

This week I learned just how the Lord¨s tender mercies work.  Coming in on the end of my mission, I had the doubt that Id be going to infierno for not being a perfect missionary these 2 years.  Looking back, theres so much more I could have done, and many things I shouldnt have done.  Well, dont we all?  I digress.  Even missionarys are average children of God behind the plack.  They say if the mission doesnt change you, then youll know the kind of lousy missionary you were.  I am changed, but I guess not as much as I thought Id be.  I wanted to be a living Moses or Nephi by the time I get back.  Same goes for all of us- we all have an image of who and where we want to be.  Why dont we ever achieve our goals in life?  Why do we back track?
Anyone who thinks theyll go to hell for their weaknesses, is mistaken.  The person that thinks this doesnt understand the grace of Christ.  As Nephi says in the Book of Mormon, "for we know that is it by grace we are saved, after all we can do. (2 Nephi 25:23)"  As said by the prophet of God, it is the tender mercies of Christ and his infinite love for us that saves us after we do ALL that we can.  That last part is muy importante.  We have to do all that we humanly know we can.  Many think that because they have done something terrible and unforgivable or have addictions to alcohol or pornography, or keep failing in life at the same thing- many think because of their weaknesses that theyre going to hell and should rather just give up.  No, its not like that.  Let me remind you that God have a plan for ALL of his children and doesnt want to lose any of us.  2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
I testify that God¨s love extends beyond our comprehension.  He is longsuffering and patient with all of us and our weaknesses.  You may mess up, you may make the same stupid mistake over and over again.  Doesnt matter.  God is well aware.  Rather pray and put your trust in that He will liberate you from these things in the correct time.  There is a time for all of us and our weaknesses.  That time is not today, or tomorrow, or may not even be in a year, but it will come.  The Lord wont forget about you; He will help you.  Do your part and do all you can- dont excuse yourself in messing up, but when you mess up, smile, be at peace, and think on what time the Lord will free you from your weakness.  Dont give up.

I love you all and pray that you will all come to know and trust in the Grace of Christ.  His tender mercies are over all His children who repent and put their confidence in Him.  Have a good week.

Con Amor,
Elder Walker

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